Elizabeth Taylor

Monday, June 26, 2006


Usually I ignore the scandal sheets, but as a chronicler of Elizabeth Taylor, my duty forced me to buy the June 26 2006 National Examiner. The cover story on Taylor is “a shocking report. The secret’s she’s hiding! Liz’s Collapse. Plus: She falls apart after a recent TV appearance.” The article argued that she had fallen victim to Alzheimer’s. On the Larry King Show, she talked about having to consult little notes she wrote to herself--and how even then she got the facts wrong. “Writing notes of reminder is a common way to combat the memory loss of early Alzheimer’s,” the Examiner notes. The photographs are disturbing. She’s wheelchair-bound and bloated; her eyes mirror a lost soul. The Examiner does not seem to have a web site, but they quote the Daily Mail, which does:



At 10:36 AM, Blogger Michael Andre said...



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