Die Dreigroschenoper
I just saw G.W. Pabst’s film of the Brecht-Weill 3 Penny Opera. John Gay’s Beggar’s Opera has always been a favorite text; Brecht’s play was based on the Gay; but Gay was handed the original idea by Jonathan Swift. The Reagan/Two Bush Era embodied exactly that operatic kleptocracy. When Polly in the Pabst film buys a bank, it is, as they say, priceless.
Love that "Two Bush era" and am writing to get your permission to start thinking "Three Bush era" when Jeb takes the throne.
Saw the Pabst film recently thanks to Criterion's DVDing of it. Didn't know, or think, of the Jonathan Swift connection. Should've known? probably the result of knowing nothing about John Gay.
Am shocked you've not posted the well-known photo of the bridge in Puerto Vallarta that connected Liz and Dick's residencias. A friend sent me a postcard several years ago, or I'd been shocked I'd never seen it.
Love the good humor, Michael. Is there an on-line magazine with the same name yet? or a Marilyn Monroe? a Kim Novak? a Mary Tyler Moore (to acknowledge the propinquity of Minneapolis when you're just 222 miles away.
By the way, how does a lit junkie like me find a way to get UNMUZZLED OX?
Floyce Alexander
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